Since there are many different types of debts, they are all handled uniquely during a divorce. For example, you can have credit cards, mortgages, car loans and medical debts. Here is more about how the court will handle your debts during a divorce. Debt after...
Family Law
Child custody and out-of-state relocations
In today’s custody cases, the judge typically focuses on the best interest of the children for both legal and physical custody. In most cases, family courts prefer that both parents remain involved in their children’s lives, resulting in shared custody. However, what...
Will your divorce show up on your credit report?
Since 1989, Americans have had to deal with credit scores. Your score, which a few credit bureaus compile, tells lenders whether you are likely to pay back the money you borrow. Consequently, virtually all financial institutions consider your credit score when...
How does joint custody work in New York?
Joint custody allows divorced parents to share the responsibilities of raising children. If you are a parent going through a divorce, you might wonder if joint custody is an appropriate choice for your family. To make an informed decision, it is important to review...
Is bonding time important when considering custody arrangement?
If you have a new baby but you and the other parent are not together, you may be in a situation where you have to figure out parenting time. This can be a challenge since, at this point, the child is very dependent. However, assuming the child should only be with one...
Should you change your life insurance beneficiary in divorce?
Setting up a life insurance policy helps provide for your family in the event of your death. However, you and your spouse may have decided to call it quits on your marriage. If divorce is in your future, you probably do not want your spouse to benefit from your life...
How to adopt your stepchildren
Stepparents in New York state do not have automatic parental rights to their stepchildren. Unfortunately, divorcing your spouse can lead to a painful end to the close bond you share with your stepchild. Fortunately, adoption is a way to ensure you remain in your...
Can you file for an uncontested joint divorce in New York?
Divorce is never a one-size-fits-all process. You might undergo a very different set of procedures depending on if your divorce is collaborative, contested or uncontested. Starting in March of 2022, the New York courts allow filing through the Uncontested Joint...
How does birdnesting work?
Divorce may separate you from your spouse, but it does not have to cause a division between you and your children. Every family has a different approach to co-parenting. The most crucial aspect of any parenting plan, however, is to ensure the safety and stability of...
What challenges might your children face during divorce?
Splitting from your spouse could completely change the dynamic of your family and disrupt the routine your children rely on. It could leave them feeling confused, angry and uncertain. Given the gravity of the situation, it is not unlikely that your children will...