New York child support lasts until the age of 21. This means parents who go through a divorce have the responsibility to pay for most, if not all, of college tuition. However, not get this confused with custody or visitation because the child becomes an adult at 18. So although the non-custodial parent has financial responsibilities to the child after age 18, they do not have a legal right to visit them.
If you wonder how your payments towards your child’s tuition figure into your divorce, continue reading for the typical court-ordered arrangement. Keep in mind that everyone’s case is different regarding legal matters.
When does my child become independent?
Once the child turns 18, many parents wonder if the courts will reduce their financial responsibility. One factor that determines this is the child’s independence. According to the New York Courts, if your children marry or join the military, the child becomes emancipated. Child support no longer becomes a legal obligation for the parent.
College is a gray area for child support
College expenses are another matter, however. Courts will vary on their judgment, but for the most part, non-custodial parents still owe payments towards the young person’s expenses. Even though you may consider your children fully independent, New York courts may still order you to pay the total amount of child support.
Parents with college students may want them to be more financially responsible. If you believe your child is independent, consult with your lawyer about amending your child support arrangement. The courts always keep the child’s best interests in mind. However, they may see the benefit in giving your children more financial responsibility.