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Workplace exposure can cause illnesses

On Behalf of | Jul 26, 2015 | Workplace Illness |

There are not many people who worry that their jobs will cause them to contract cancer, but as strange as it might sound, this is actually a concern. Some people have relatively safe jobs, where their greatest health risks are twisting an ankle on slippery stairs. Others have more dangerous jobs, wherein they could be injured by a heavy tool or a malfunctioning machine and suffer a brain injury or lost limb. However, some workers slowly develop a health issue over years of performing their jobs.

Many New Yorkers spend their days working around toxic chemicals or hazardous areas that may be harmless in small doses, but over years and years of continuous exposure can cause serious health issues. For example, consistent exposure to asbestos could cause lung cancer or mesothelioma, and chemical exposure could have many unexpected side effects. These are examples of occupational illnesses, and you may be surprised that they are covered by workers’ compensation benefits.

If you are suffering from an illness, it is highly recommended that you meet with a doctor to learn more about your case. You may find that your illness was caused by workplace exposure, and your health care costs could be covered by workers’ compensation.

Because the negative health effects of occupational exposure may take years to manifest, it can sometimes be difficult to prove that your work was the cause of your illness. This is why it can be very beneficial to meet with a workers’ compensation attorney who can analyze your case and the circumstances of your work history in order to help you prove that your illness is work-related. If you are suffering from an illness that you believe is work-related visit our webpage to learn how we can help you make a case for the compensation that you deserve.



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