No matter what type of job you have, if you are classified as an employee with your company, you can suffer an injury on the job. Even individuals who spend most of their workday behind a desk could slip on an icy staircase or suffer injuries from repetitive motions, such as carpal tunnel syndrome resulting from typing. These injuries and any others that are suffered while on the job can all be covered by workers’ compensation benefits. If you are making a workers’ compensation claim, it is important that you meet with an attorney to discuss your claim.
You may think that legal aid will not benefit your claim, especially if your employer’s insurance company makes you an offer. However, the truth is that insurance companies do not always make these claims for your benefit. Sometimes they offer you a lower amount than you may be entitled to in the hopes that you will accept the settlement without investigating the claim further.
In New York, there is a legal limit to the amount of compensation you can recover based on your injury and the suffering it has put you through. Insurance companies may use this limit as the basis for the offer they make you, but injuries are not always cut-and-dry. Your injury may cause unforeseen issues or result in more suffering than expected, which could completely change the nature of your issue and thus result in a higher limit for your compensation.
This is just one reason that consulting with an attorney can be significantly beneficial to you in a workers’ compensation claim. Visit our webpage to learn more about the caps on compensation and how we can help you with your claim. With experienced attorneys on your side, you can be sure that you will get the compensation you deserve for your injury.