Few places are more dangerous for construction workers than New York City. The high population density means that streets and sidewalks are always busy; the winters are extremely cold, which can impair motor functions, and perhaps most notably, the only place to build is up. The high number of skyscrapers in New York often means that even the most insignificant of construction projects can be dangerous. In addition to the standard dangers of construction work (heavy machinery or transfer of large materials, for example), there are the added dangers of falling from potentially fatal heights.
Fortunately for construction workers, there are workers’ compensation benefits in place that ensure that they will be taken care of if they suffer an injury or illness while on the job. However, it is important to note that workers’ compensation laws in New York City now take into account the severity of an injury in order to determine the maximum compensation available to an injured worker. This is particularly significant when considering all of the health conditions covered by workers’ compensation benefits.
With few exceptions, workers’ comp covers any injury or illness sustained while performing the functions of your job, regardless of what caused the injury or who was at fault. This means that if you are doing construction work and a hammer falls on your hand, fracturing a finger, you could be entitled to compensation.
This is only one example of the many types of injuries or illnesses that are covered by workers’ compensation benefits. For a larger list of applicable injuries, as well as more information on workers’ compensation, visit our webpage. Construction workers perform a vital function amongst many hazardous working conditions, and the last thing they should have to worry about is that they will be left to fend for themselves if disaster strikes.