Workplace injuries can arise from a variety of factors, including an unsafe environment or faulty tools or equipment. The potential for serious injury is often higher for construction workers, and a machinery accident can result in costly medical bills and other expenses. Workers’ compensation is designed to help you pay for these expenses and cover time you miss from work. Even in environments that seem safe, there is a possibility for an electrical accident or other harm that you need to report to your employer.
If you have ever felt groggy or less aware after daylight saving time, you are not alone. Reports on the effects of the clock change suggest that shifting forward an hour may be a notable contributor to workplace accidents in the week following the change. This surprising take on research indicates that the likelihood of a workplace accident increases by 6 percent on the Monday and Tuesday following the time change.
Workplace accidents are not the only risk of injury that increases, either. The likelihood of a car accident on those first two days of the week is also higher. Although Monday and Tuesday are the worst, the risks to drivers and workers remain for several days, as more accidents are reported throughout the remainder of the week than usual.
Workers should do their best to be aware of the effects the time change has on them and the greater potential for injury. If an accident does occur, it is important to follow through on all the procedures required by the company you work for to ensure you receive any workers’ compensation you may be due. It is also useful obtain counsel accustomed to New York law regarding workplace injuries. Understanding your rights and options may ensure you do not lose any more sleep than you need to.
Source: USA Today, “Daylight saving brings risks with loss of sleep,” Karen Weintraub, March 7, 2014