When working in the field of construction, you will face a higher potential for bodily harm and injury than workers in many other fields. You will also suffer from a higher rate of injury in shared fields of injury.
As one example, construction workers often face the highest rate of crush injuries compared to workers in other fields. These injuries can have a lifelong negative impact, as well.
What is a crush injury?
Medline Plus takes a look at the impact of crush injuries. A crush injury occurs when part of your body ends up compressed by a larger or heavier object. Some examples include dropping heavy work equipment on your foot, getting pinned under collapsed rubble, or getting run over or pinned by a work vehicle.
Crush injuries almost always have very severe repercussions, resulting in everything from amputation to organ failure. The type and intensity of the damage itself can depend on how the injury happened. For example, organ failure is more likely to occur if part of the trunk or torso ends up pinned and deprived of blood and oxygen. Amputation has a higher rate of occurrence in cases where the hands or feet end up crushed, though full arm or leg amputation may also occur.
The cost of recovery
It often takes victims months or years to recover from non-lethal crush injury accidents, especially in cases where blood infection, sepsis or gangrene set in. Instances involving amputation will also involve lengthy periods of recovery, high medical bills and the inability to continue working in the same fields.
This is why many victims who suffer from crush injuries go on to seek compensation for the damage received on the job. Consider speaking to an attorney if you believe your case falls into this category.