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What should be done to treat a cut?

On Behalf of | Jul 24, 2016 | Workplace Accidents |

Whether you are a head chef or a prep cook, if part of your job requires slicing or chopping food, you need a good sharp knife to complete your tasks. And you are also likely aware that using a cutting knife safely requires careful attention. But restaurant work is often very hectic, especially during peak meal times. It is all too easy to slip or make a mistake while hurriedly slicing something. And the slightest slip can lead to a very nasty cut.

If you or a fellow employee should suffer a cut finger, there could be a lot of blood, which is certainly a frightening sight. But in such moments, it is important to try to remain composed and tend to the wound immediately.

But how should a cut finger be treated? Well, the first thing to do is to directly apply pressure to the wound. This serves to control, or staunch, the bleeding. In the case of squirting wounds, you want to wrap the finger in a towel. You also want to elevate the injured area above heart level so as to slow the blood flow.

After the cut stops bleeding, it should be cleaned with water. It should then be dried and treated with an antimicrobial cream or ointment and wrapped securely with a bandage. A severe cut could require a visit to the hospital and a tetanus shot if you haven’t had one in the last 10 years.

In a worst case scenario wherein a section of the finger is actually severed from the hand, you need to get the severed section on top of some ice and get to an emergency room at once. The bleeding finger should be wrapped and a damp, clean towel.

Often a kitchen cut is a minor problem, but a deep wound could be painful and expensive to treat. And in some cases, a cut victim could be forced to miss time from work until the injury has properly healed. If you have been cut while on the job, you should be entitled to a measure of workers’ compensation appropriate to your needs. A New York attorney who is well-versed in workers’ compensation laws could act on your behalf in an effort to ensure that you receive the benefits to which you are entitled.



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