Workers’ compensation benefits are extremely important for the financial security of employees, regardless of field. Even employees who do not work in particularly hazardous industries can still be injured by slippery stairs or malfunctioning machinery. However, there are some industries that are more dangerous than others, and employees who work in such industries should be particularly aware of their workers’ compensation benefits. A workplace accident could render you incapable of earning wages for a brief period of time, or even forever.
The metal product manufacturing industry is one such dangerous industry, responsible for nearly 50 fatalities back in 2013. So far in 2015, at least one fatality has been confirmed after a recent incident in a metalworking plant in North Carolina. The accident is still under investigation, but initial reports indicate that the victim was operating a machine when the accident occurred. The machine ended up shooting off a tool which the victim had previously placed on it, and the tool struck the worker in the chest.
Police believe that no one else was involved in the incident, and that it was simply a tragic accident. Based on the reported events, it seems like the employee was partly responsible for the accident. It could be argued that if he had not placed the tool on the machine, he may still be alive. However, it may surprise you to learn that workers’ compensation will likely still cover such an injury.
New York workers could easily find themselves injured on the job, just like this North Carolina worker, so it is important to know your workers’ compensation options. Workers’ compensation covers nearly every injury on the job, even if it was accidental or resulting from horseplay. No matter what the circumstances of your injury, if you were injured on the job, you should consider meeting with a workers’ compensation attorney to see what your options are. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Source: The Charlotte Observer, “Workplace accident claims life of employee at metalworking plant,” Ames Alexander, May 18, 2015