Your Estate Planning Documents Will Cover Your Legal Issues, But May Not Contain Important Information Your Loved Ones Need
Estate planning is an important legal step for everyone to take, as it can clarify a person’s wishes and provide loved ones with peace of mind during a trying time. While completing your legal documents with regard to your estate plan is necessary, it is also important to have your personal information and wishes readily accessible to your loved ones, all in one concise location.
At Angiuli & Gentile, LLP, we have developed a no-cost Personal Affairs and Estate Planning Organizer booklet that bridges the gap between the legal and the personal. Relying on what we have learned in more than 30 years of estate planning experience in Staten Island, New York, we provide our clients with a vehicle to consolidate important contact information and personal wishes.
One of the benefits of putting together an estate plan is that you will have taken the steps required to legally distribute your assets upon your death to those who you choose as beneficiaries. Despite all of your planning however, if your family cannot find your asset information and contacts, the winding up of your estate may be met with many obstacles.
The Personal Affairs and Estate Planning Organizer helps you to bridge this gap by giving you a convenient place to store all of the information which, when coupled with your legal documents, will enable your loved ones to carry out your wishes with ease. It will also include contact information for your lawyer, accountant, financial advisors, insurance agents and other professionals who your family may need to contact during your life, if you are incapacitated and/or upon your death.
If you wish, your Personal Affairs and Estate Planning Organizer can also include detailed information on how you would like your funeral service handled and indicate your burial preferences.
Plan For Your Wishes With Our FREE Personal Affairs And Estate Planning Organizer
If you died or became incapacitated tomorrow, would your family know what to do and what your preferences are? If you are interested in learning more about the Personal Affairs and Estate Planning Organizer or our other estate planning services, contact us today to arrange a consultation with a knowledgeable attorney.